Happy Ramadan 2019 – Everything You Need To Know

Before starting the post, we wish you all the Happy Ramadan 2020.

In this post, you will read about all the informaton you want to know about Ramadan. So, lets start….

Is Ramadan the festive occasion when they kill sheep?

No. Ramadan is the name of the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. It is believed that it was that very month when Allah began sending the Quran as “a guide for all people and as an explanation of the direct path separating truth from lies.” In Islam, Ramadan is recognized as the time of the mercy of Allah, humility, the forgiveness of sins and fasting. The month is called sacred, because, according to the Hadith (legends about the words and actions of the Prophet Mohammed), the gates of heaven open in Ramadan, the gates of hell close and shackles on devils are imposed. Ramadan is the time for fasting.

Fasting (it is called sawm) is one of the five pillars of Islam (the necessary prescriptions that all Muslims must comply with). Fasting in Islam means a complete rejection of food and drink from dawn to dusk, as well as other restrictions that Muslims must adhere to in the month of Ramadan. At night, limits are off, but excessive eating or drinking are not welcome.

Now back to the sheep! They are slaughtered as a sacrifice, not in Ramadan but on the Islamic holiday Kurban Bayram, which is celebrated annually 70 days after Sawm Bayram, the holiday of the end of the fast.

Is Ramadan for all Muslims?

Lactating and pregnant women, women in their period of menstruation, people with chronic diseases, the sick and the elderly, if the fast damages their health, travelers and children who have not reached puberty are exempt from the observance of fasting.

However, here there are some nuances. Pregnant and nursing mothers are exempted only from fasting, but not from performing daily prayers. During menstruation, women should not even pray.

It is not that clear with children. In Islam, children who have not reached puberty or adulthood are not responsible for their actions – and fasting is not required for them. However, the final decision to join the tradition remains at the discretion of the parents. It is not entirely clear how old a child is considered a child. Somewhere they write that up to about 15 years, somewhere – up to 14, somewhere – and even up to 10 years.

Those who are released from fasting due to temporary circumstances must withstand it in the following months (not necessarily in succession) before the next Ramadan. If according to physical abilities it is impossible to “pay off the debt,” then it is necessary to feed the poor man with an amount that costs lunch on average.

How to spend all day long without eating or drinking? Is it unhealthy?

Muslims do it from one year to the next. It should be understood that in the period of Ramadan, people still do not refuse food and drink at all: after sunset, people gather for an evening feast, which is called iftar.

Concerning health, we have not found a single study that would prove the harm of a Muslim fast. However, for people with chronic diseases and those who take medications several times a day, it is better not to starve; otherwise, it will be wrong. However, in Islam, such people are already released from fasting.

Of all the restrictions, the ban on drinking, especially in the summer heat is the most worrying. Why you cannot even drink water is not mentioned in the Hadith or the Quran. In Nature, they write that scientists did not find the harmful effects associated with a negative water balance during fasting. In general, scientists note that the benefits or harms of Ramadan largely depend on what a person eats at night.

The results of the study showed that by the end of Ramadan, the average world men lose 1.51 kilograms, while women lose 0.91 kilograms. Most of the weight loss then recovers in a few weeks.

Muslims are advised to eat a variety of healthy foods with the correct ratio of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, drink water several times at night, avoid salty, sweet, spicy, roasted and coffee so that fasting does not hurt the body.

Is it not allowed to eat and drink in Ramadan?

No. To begin with, we will explain that the Muslim fasting consists of two elements: intention and abstinence. In Islam, niyati (purpose) is the presence in the heart of the desire and determination to fast. The day of fasting is not counted as if the intention — the collect for the day— was not uttered until dawn. Purpose can be pronounced in any language, silently or aloud.

Under abstinence is the refusal to eat, drink, smoke and intimacy from dusk tilldawn. Do not take medicine (if not with injections) and chew gum. There is also a whole article on whether saliva can be swallowed (in short, if the organism left the spit, then it cannot be consumed). However, to go in for sports, donate blood, kiss (without swallowing partner’s saliva), swim (if water does not get into the mouth), brush teeth (if toothpaste does not get into the throat) – all this is possible. In short, restrictions are imposed on the reception of everything that goes into the body.

However, Ramadan is not only about “not doing.” At this time, you need to show joy, beware of sins, lies, unnecessary talk, give alms and pray more.

Why is it alwaysat a different time with Ramadan?

It is not entirely true. The Islamic calendar does not use the solar calendar month, but the lunar. The phases of the moon determine its dates. The lunar year, both simple (354 days) and leap year (355 days), is shorter than the Gregorian by about 11 days, so every year it is postponed by 10-11 days. Ramadanor Ramazan “wanders” and may fall at any time of the year (for example, in 2030 Ramadan will be from January 6 to February 4), but for Muslims, it always means the ninth lunar month.

They say that it is easier to observe Ramadan in winter: the bright day is shorter, the air temperature is lower, the body loses less moisture and is not so thirsty.

If someone disrupted Ramadan, then what?

There are two options. If the fasting was quit for a valid reason from the Shariat, then it is necessary to compensate the missed days after Ramadan. If not, then you need to repent, do not act like this anymore, and increase the number of righteous deeds.

How many Muslims do not keep Ramadan?

Scientists from the Pew Research Center in 2012 surveyed 38,000 Muslims from 39 countries and territories. 93% of respondents answered that they were fasting.

How are Ramadans observed in places where the sun does not go down?

In such countries as Finland, Norway and Sweden, daylight hours can last for 20 hours or more, and the sun does not set at all over the polarcircle. In such cases, Muslims adhere to the fasting schedule for Mecca or the nearest Muslim country.

About the author

Melisa Marzett is Gemini by nature, which is why her environment is very diverse. She combines within herself a kind of a potato couch and a travel enthusiast. Working as a freelance writer for

re write, she has a considerable experience in the area of writing. Apart from writing and traveling, she enjoys theater, museums, movies, sport, and fashion. Like most women, she is crazy about shoes and has many pairs of shoes for every purpose.

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