Can One Hold a Board Meeting on Sunday?

While board meetings are officially to be held on days that are not public holidays during business hours, there are exceptions to this rule as well. According to Letter No. 8/11(285)/63-PR, dated 2-5-1963, the department states that it would not hold any objection, if a board meeting were to be conducted on a public holiday, if it was for the convenience of board members. However, efforts should be made to try and organize board meetings on days that are not public holidays.

Board Meeting on Sunday

There is no restriction regarding the time of board meetings and can be held within or outside business hours. Board meetings can be held anywhere; it does not necessarily have to be held at the Registered Office or Head office or a city or town where the registered office is situated.
In case a board meeting is adjourned due to lack of quorum, the next meeting should ideally be scheduled for the same day in the following week, at the same time and place. If the day is a public holiday, the meeting should be scheduled for the next day after the holiday.

In case the board meeting is scheduled for a Sunday, approval of directors will have to be taken and they will have to be checked with if the Sunday that they have picked works for all concerned.

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Be sure to take some time off and look for the ideal service provider, as this decision can make life very convenient for you. With so many options available out there, it can be difficult to choose, but read up on reviews and learn about the services that all these companies offer. Once you have your company formed and directors elected, you can hold board meetings on Sunday or any other day that you like.

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